Efficiently Manage Your Herd with DHI-Plus Herd Management Software
Capture and Analyze Your Farm's Day-to-Day Tasks for Data-Driven Decisions
Capture and Analyze Anything
DHI-Plus herd management software allows you to efficiently capture data from your dairy’s day-to-day tasks. From vet checks and hospital treatments to reproduction tasks and inventories, you can easily create a record of all aspects of your herd's management. By leveraging this data, you can analyze everything as a whole to make informed decisions that increase the productivity of your herd.
Optimize your herd management potential with DHI-Plus
As your dairy grows, how are you monitoring each individual cow?
The new generation of high-performing dairy operations may differ in many ways… but there is one thing that binds them all together: the ability to capture and use data to make better decisions.
As dairy farms become larger, it becomes harder for managers to monitor each cow individually. But the need to see and know each animal personally is still important. DHI-Plus software provides a helpful solution by identifying cows that need attention and detecting trends, whether positive or negative, so that action can be taken in a timely manner.

Efficiency Is Key
Efficiency is key to longevity in the dairy business, and data gives valuable insights into efficiency for dairy owners, managers, and consultants.
But how do you actually use that data?
DHI-Plus software allows you to capture data related to day-to-day tasks as well as the results of those tasks.
When you consistently record all of your farm-related activities, you enhance your ability to analyze and effectively use that data. DHI-Plus software makes it easy to maintain consistency in recording tasks by allowing you to record them while working directly with the cows.
You can leverage each bit of captured data to create reports and charts that help you understand the effects of your tasks on the entire herd. With DHI-Plus software, you can group that data together to answer critical questions like which cows should you cull, how effective are your hospital treatments, how does mastitis affect your production rate, and any other question you may have.
By being able to answer questions based on data, you can make decisions more easily and ultimately improve the health and profits of your entire herd.
"DHI-Plus has helped me organize the way we treat our animals."
" Keeping track of treatments and proper protocol usage of the prescribed drugs we use is vital. This system has allowed me to coordinate our prescribed drug and treatment procedures with our veterinary services team. We know which animals are to be treated with which drug and the proper dosage. Withhold times are calculated and we are able to run reports from DHI-Plus to quickly and easily see all treatment related data. Recording the data is quick and simple. Most importantly, we stay in compliance while producing a high quality product to the dairy industry."
How To Get Started With DHI-Plus Software
Tell us about your equipment and processes
Schedule a call and we’ll talk about how your existing processes can work with DHI-Plus.
Let us put together a quote
Everybody wants to know how much it costs – the information from the call will help us give you an exact quote.
Begin effectively managing your herd
We’ll help train your managers and get DHI-Plus set up on your farm so you can begin tracking everything.The DHI-Plus Software Suite
Monitoring the core of your business
The DHI-Plus software system lets you record all the daily tasks and treatments for each of your dairy animals, so you can keep track of them easily as your farm grows.
You will also have the added ability to connect to other systems so that you can use all the information from sensors and other technologies on your farm to improve your animal inventory, milk production, and overall cow health… which allows you to better respond to individual dairy cow needs.
DHI-Plus has two main parts:
The DHI-Plus desktop software—where the core information is stored for your business.
DHI-Plus Edge mobile software—making day-to-day tasks more efficient.

DHI-Plus Desktop Software
The DHI-Plus desktop software is where the core information is stored for your business.
Data input interfaces allow you to record breedings, calvings, dry dates, vet checks, animals that have left the herd, and fresh dates… the more events you record the better.
View the individual Cow Display to quickly check an individual cow's health, string changes, milk/meat withhold, and genomic data.
Set up options to automate common tasks such as health entries and pen changes.
Store any data you want to track using common built-in entry fields or create your own using user-defined fields.
Leverage your data using powerful analysis tools.
Use DHI-Plus during your milk test to input and transmit data for processing. Then use reports such as the Personal Herd Profile to see all of your data summarized in one place.

Related Blog Articles:
- Automatic String Logging
- Making herd management data work for you
- How mastitis affects milk production
- Are your dairy records healthy? Recording and monitoring health events in DHI-Plus
- Are you in the dairy business to produce calves? KPIs to monitor reproduction.
- Focus on what matters
Desktop Software Benefits

Record and Analyze Dairy Animal Health Data.
With DHI-Plus, you can record and analyze individual dairy cow health events to make informed and deliberate decisions that will affect your overall herd health.
Recording and managing your herd's health provides many benefits... but here are a few of the most important reasons:
- For the health and well-being of the animal
- To improve the future of your herd health and genetics
- To protect your business and meet FDA requirements
Keep Drug Residue Out of Your Bulk Tank.
You invest a lot of effort and money in creating the best product possible, but sick cows are always a drain on resources. You can protect your investment by using tools that will help you and your employees easily keep track the treatment of sick cows.
- Protect your dairy from drug residue investigations.
- Enable your employees to make more prudent decisions related to drug treatments on the farm.
- More closely watch the health of your animals.
- Identify Animals that may be using too many resources.
- Easily calculate and quickly reference meat and milk withholding dates.
Reduce Antibiotic Use.
Selective Dry Cow Therapy is a technique producers have used to reduce antibiotic use.
- Reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.
- Lower the risks of E. Coli Mastitis.
- Save time by treating fewer cows.
- Save money by reducing treatments.

Genomics On Your Dairy.
To succeed in the dairy industry, you must have solid management practices. With that in place, Genomics helps you increase your profits by using genetics to improve your herd selectively.
- Boost Production
- Improve Breeding Practices
- Cut Costs
- Expand Business
DHI-Plus Edge
Using a mobile device simply makes day-to-day tasks more efficient. With the desktop software, you can print out reports and worksheets and take them onto the dairy to check off tasks and treatments as you go... but with the handheld software, you can push the list to the handheld electronically. As the work is completed, the data is synchronized back to the desktop, making it ready for analysis.
DHI-Plus Edge provides many benefits:
- Accurate animal identification using RFID technology
- Automatic lookup of the animals on your list
- Quick recording of data while out on the farm
- Automatic synchronization of tasks and treatments back to the desktop computer
- Faster, more accurate, and efficient workflow
With a mobile device, you can perform a wide range of tasks on the farm, including:

Inventory. Scan every animal on your farm using RFID technology and DHI-Plus for handhelds to create a unique date and time stamp on each animal's record. Run a report in DHI-Plus for the desktop to find the scanned animals… and more importantly, those that are still in the system but were not scanned. This helps you audit your herd and easily create reports for your bank.
Treatments. Recording treatments with the handheld is much faster than writing down all the animals that were treated and entering it into the computer later.
Pre-Synch list. Generate a list that shows all cows and the shots they require as per the shot protocol. As you scan each animal, the handheld software will inform you of the required shot, and make it effortless to record it afterward.
Vet checks. Prepare a report that matches all criteria for cows that require veterinary attention when your vet visits. Send this report to the mobile device, which enables you to scan each cow and promptly notify the vet which cows require examination.