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EZfeed Software Features

Protect Your Feeding Operation with EZfeed Cloud Sync

Don’t Let Data Loss Disrupt Your Dairy

EZFeed Cloud Sync
Picture This

A sudden computer crash or a ransomware attack. All your EZfeed data – gone in an instant. Imagine the chaos that follows. How would it affect your daily feed operations? How accurately could you feed your animals? Think about the time and effort it would take to rebuild your Ingredient list, Rations, and Loads from scratch. And what about your invaluable feeding records from the past weeks?

We understand these concerns. That's why we've added the EZfeed Cloud Sync service to our EZfeed software, providing an automated, robust, offsite cloud backup for your critical EZfeed data.

Quick Recovery for Mt. View Dairy with EZfeed Cloud Sync

When Mt. View Dairy's EZfeed computer crashed, years of crucial feeding data were at risk. Thanks to their use of EZfeed Cloud Sync, we swiftly restored their entire database on a new machine. This rapid response prevented operational chaos and preserved invaluable historical data.

"Thank goodness for the cloud because it surely saved us a lot of trouble and chaos."

— Kelly Wright, Mt. View Dairy

Maximize Your Dairy's Efficiency with by Unlocking the Full Potential of EZfeed

Explore Tools You Might Be Missing Out On

Feeder Performance

Optimize your feeder efficiency and accuracy.

EZfeed Mobile

Monitor and manage your feeding operations on-the-go.

Bunk Management

Ensure optimal feed usage and reduce waste.

Bulk Tank Imports

Import milk processor data to align feeding consistency with milk production and quality, enhancing profitability.

Weather Integration

Track and analyze feeding, milk production, and weather data together right in EZfeed.

External Batching

Capitalize on the efficiency and accuracy available through the integrated utilization of automated feed preparation systems.

Want to explore any of these features further? Reach out to us for a personalized review of your EZfeed setup and data. Our experts are here to answer your questions and guide you to the next level of feed management efficiency.

Think about the potential improvements these features could bring to your dairy.

Fill out the form below and we'll email you to set up a time for a phone call. Already a user? Contact us to confirm you’re on the latest version.